Contact me if you have trouble accessing any of my publications and I'll be happy to help.
Hanford, Jayne K., Webb, Cameron E. & Hochuli, Dieter F. (2020) Management of urban wetlands for conservation can reduce aquatic biodiversity and increase mosquito risk. Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (4). Link​
Hanford, Jayne K., Hochuli, Dieter F. & Webb, Cameron E. (2020) Observations of an unexpected abundance of estuarine mosquitoes associated with an urban freshwater wetland. Australian Zoologist In press. Link
Hanford, Jayne, & Webb, Cameron (2019) Mosquito Management is Key in Creating Popular Urban Wetlands. Entomology Today. https://entomologytoday.org/2019/04/11/mosquito-management-key-urban-wetlands/#
Hanford, Jayne K., Hochuli Dieter F. & Webb, Cameron E. (2019) Oviposition behavior of Culex annulirostris (Diptera: Culicidae) is affected by the recent presence of invasive Gambusia holbrooki (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 56 (4). Link
Hanford, Jayne K., Webb, Cameron E. & Hochuli, Dieter F. (2019) Habitat traits associated with mosquito risk and aquatic diversity in urban wetlands. Wetlands 39. Link
Bugnot, Ana B., Hose, Grant C., Walsh, Christopher J., Floerl, Oliver, French, Kristine, Dafforn, Katherine A., Hanford, Jayne K., Lowe, Elizabeth C. & Hahs, Amy K. (2018) Urban impacts across realms: Making the case for inter-realm monitoring and management. Science of the Total Environment 648. Link
Hanford, J. K., Crowther M. S. & Hochuli D. F. (2017) Effectiveness of vegetation-based biodiversity offset metrics as surrogates for ants. Conservation Biology 31 (1). Link